At Mentor Collective, we know that mentorship changes lives—and we help institutions build strong, engaged communities where both mentees and mentors are eager to opt-in. As the largest provider of mentorship in higher education, we leverage the most extensive dataset on mentorship to provide institutions with actionable insights. We help institutions build strong, engaged communities by blending quantitative data with qualitative feedback.
But mentorship isn’t just about numbers—it’s about relationships. Our human-centric technology allows institutions to prioritize human inputs and preferences, fostering authentic engagement and proactive student support. We believe data should inform—not replace—genuine connection.
Early activation is the secret sauce for mentorship program success. Our data shows a staggering 3-4x higher mentee registration rate for programs launched in the Spring before the academic year begins.
Why Early Activation is Critical
Recent data uncovered a game-changing insight: early activation is the secret sauce for mentorship program success. Our data shows a staggering 3-4x higher mentee registration rate for programs launched in the Spring before the academic year begins. But the real kicker? Hit 55% of your match goal in the first two weeks, and you're well on your way to full participation. Kelsey Parker, Project Manager for Experiential Learning at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, shared during a recent Mentor Collective partner webinar "When we made the decision to use the opt-out [mentorship model] for all students, it really allowed students to have a mentor match quickly." The bottom line is that this early connection, particularly in the spring, is crucial for incoming students' success in the fall.
The Power of the 'All-In' Participation Model
Early activation goes hand-in-hand with opt-out participation or 'all-in' models. Melissa Stone, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management at UM-Dearborn, experienced this transformation firsthand: "Shifting from an opt-in to an opt-out 'all in' mentorship model has significantly improved student success metrics, with nearly 1,000 mentees participating this fall compared to only 200 in previous years."
By removing barriers to access and integrating mentorship into the admissions and orientation processes, institutions can ensure a consistent experience for every student from day one. Our findings show that mentees in 'all in' by default participation models report high satisfaction and lower dropout rates, challenging assumptions that 'click to opt-in' models are always better. Data reveals that 'all in' participation mentees have fewer mentor-requested unmatches, engage at comparable rates, and are likelier to complete key milestones.
Shifting from an opt-in to an opt-out 'all in' mentorship model has significantly improved student success metrics, with nearly 1,000 mentees participating this fall compared to only 200 in previous years.
- Melissa Stone, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management at University of Michigan-Dearborn
Engaging and Empowering Mentors
Our data shows that mentors who opt in to support additional mentees via SMS significantly enhance program scalability. Engaging mentors is an effective scaling strategy, with 26% of mentors asked to take on multiple mentees responding positively. Mentors often express a genuine desire to participate and give back. Mentors supporting six mentees report a 7% higher satisfaction rate than those with only one mentee, highlighting the advantages of encouraging mentors to take on multiple mentees. Success stories from UM-Dearborn illustrate this intrinsic motivation.
As Melissa Stone states, 'We didn’t have to pay mentors because students wanted to engage and give back to their community,' emphasizing the sustainable impact of inherent motivation and leadership development. With Mentor Collective providing essential training, mentors are well-equipped to guide their peers effectively, ensuring the program’s continued success and growth.
Key Takeaways: What You Can Do Now
To maximize mentorship recruitment for the incoming Fall 2025 class, institutions should:
The time we used to spend recruiting students can now be devoted to meaningful mentorship interactions.
-Kelsey Parker, Project Manager for Experiential Learning at the University of Michigan-Dearborn
Your Dedicated Team
Recruitment isn't a "set it and forget it" deal. It's an evolving process that requires immediate action and continuous refinement. Your dedicated MC team provides end-to-end support, helping you optimize mentor-mentee matches, adapt to changing needs and navigate federal and internal forces. We're here to ensure your mentorship program thrives without burdening your staff. As Kelsey Parker reflects, "The time we used to spend recruiting students can now be devoted to meaningful mentorship interactions," highlighting the efficiency of early, proactive engagement.
Don't wait to make a difference.
The future of mentorship is bright—let's make it even brighter together.
Prepare your mentorship program for the Fall of 2025 class now!