Learn About Becoming a Mentor
Develop leadership skills and expand your network by becoming a mentor.

Sign up to be a mentor—you choose your level of involvement!
Connect with a current student who shares a familiar course of study, interests, life experience, or aspiration in ways that work for both of you—whether it’s video chatting, texting, meeting for coffee, or a combination.
Common discussion topics include:
- Academic success
- Work-school-life balance
- Career
- Personal growth
Mentor FAQs
Who is Mentor Collective?
Mentor Collective is an edtech software and service provider that partners with colleges and universities around the country to design and implement large-scale mentorship programs.
Our technology allows for a safe and accessible experience driven by student preference and helps colleges and universities learn how to better support students' needs.
Is Mentor Collective a reputable company?
Yes! Mentor Collective is a legitimate and reputable company that is currently partnered with nearly 200 higher education institutions and corporate partners.
However, as a small start-up growing our footprint in edtech, you may not have see our name outside of your college, university, or workplace.
Is Mentor Collective affiliated with my college or university?
If you have an active program, your school/workplace's website will have a page that shows you when and how to sign up.
You can also send us a message!
Why did Mentor Collective contact me?
If you received an email text from Mentor Collective, that means that your college, university, or workplace is inviting you to be a mentee or mentor in its Mentor Collective program.
Mentor Collective programs also utilizes email and texting throughout the program duration to help make mentorship more accessible and easy to integrate into your day-to-day. This is also how we have periodic check-ins with mentors throughout the program life for regular updates on the mentorship and/or to see how we can support your mentee. We find this encourages people to make the most of their mentorship and their school's resources.
Your school gives us permission to reach out to you initially; however, should you decide that you do not want to participate and/or do not want to receive further communications, you are always able to opt-out.
How long do the mentorships last?
Technically, mentorships last one academic year; however, we encourage you to remain in contact with your mentee(s) beyond this if you develop a strong relationship with them.
Are mentors paid?
Most programs utilize volunteer mentors. Your program will let you know if you are eligible for a paid mentoring opportunity.Whichever opportunities your program provides, we welcome (and encourage) you to include your experience as a mentor on LinkedIn or your resume. As a mentor, you have the chance to develop strong leadership and communication skills.
What if I only want to participate for one semester?
That’s fine! You always have the option to adjust your involvement. Email help@mentorcollective.org if you want to opt out of the program, reduce or increase the number of students you are supporting or if you have questions.
How many mentees do mentors work with?
When filling out their matching survey, mentors will share how many mentees they are able to support. Most mentors support somewhere between 2 and 6 mentees at a time. The most important thing is that you do what feels right for you.
How much time do mentors need to commit?
After you register, there are a couple of next steps:
– Fill out a brief matching survey that tells us about you and your preferences (5-10 minutes)
– Complete your mentor training that goes over the basics of Mentor Collective and being an effective mentor (45 minutes)
After those steps, you are eligible to be matched! You and your mentee can determine together what timing works best for you. You will be expected to speak with your mentee once a month, but anything more than that is up to both of you. Most mentors spend between 1 and 3 hours a month per mentee.
What counts as a "conversation"?
Throughout your mentorship, we ask you and your mentee(s) to log your conversations on our website or through our automated texts. But what counts as a conversation? It can be:
– 1 phone call
– 1 video chat session
– 1 email exchange
– 1 in-person "interaction" (grabbing coffee, spending 10 minutes talking before class, etc.)
– 2+ text messages exchanged within 1 day
If in doubt, please don't hesitate to ask us at help@mentorcollective.org. Logging conversations helps your program administrator(s) gauge whether the program is helping students, and how to help them better!
What if I have a serious concern about my mentee's physical or mental health?
We take concerns like these very seriously. As a mentor, you will have different opportunities for sharing a concern like this with your college or university.
While reporting conversations on your Participant Dashboard, you can indicate any concern you have about your mentee (or that your mentee needs extra support), as well as by responding to the monthly texts you’ll receive.
After you’ve shared your concern, your program administrator may reach out to you to ensure they have all the necessary information to provide your mentee with extra resources and support.
What do I get out of the program?
Does Mentor Collective have a mobile app?
Currently, we do not have a physical app. However, below you'll find instructions on how to add a website to your smart phone home screen (functioning similarly to an app).
For Apple users: On apple products, you cannot use any other search engine besides Safari to add something to the hoome screen.
- Using Safari, navigate to the site you'd like to add to your home screen.
- Tap the "share" button (up arrow within a square on bottom middle of toolbar).
- Scroll down the share list until you see "Add to Home Screen". Click that (if you don't see this option, it can be added from the "Edit Actions" option at the bottom of the share list).
- You can name it what you'd like, then tap "Add". It will be on your home screen and can be moved around like any app, but will not appear in the App Library.
For Android users: On Android phones, you can do this on any browser of your choice. We will give instruction with Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
- From Chrome, go to the website you want to add, tap the the dots in the upper right corner.
- Select "Add to Home Screen" from the menu.
- Name it what you'd like, the click "Add". A pop-up from the home screen launcher will appear; you can either tap and drag the icon to place it, or click "Add to Home Screen".
- ** For Edge, tap the 3 dots in the toolbar, then select "Add to Phone".
- ** For Firefox, tap the 3 dots in the toolbar, then select "Add to Home Screen."
What if I have further questions?
If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to help@mentorcollective.org.
Tour the Dashboard
Get to know the Mentor Collective Mentor Dashboard.
Mentor at the University of Hawaii, Hilo
Mentor at the University of Hawaii, Hilo
MJ Billings-Grein
Mentor at Northeastern University College of Professional Studies